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New Releases from NHTSA’s National Center for Statistics and Analysis

Thursday, July 26, 2012 11:57 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

NCSA Traffic Safety Fact Sheet “2010 Rural/Urban Comparison” (DOT-HS-811-637) In 2010, there were 30,196 fatal crashes resulting in 32,885 fatalities. Rural areas accounted for 54 percent (16,292) of the fatal crashes and 55 percent (18,026) of the fatalities as compared to urban areas which accounted for 45 percent (13,608) of the fatal crashes and 44 percent (14,546) of the fatalities.


NCSA Research Note “Early Estimate of Motor Vehicle Traffic Fatalities for the First Quarter (January – March) of 2012” (DOT-HS-811-642):  This Research Note provides a statistical projection of traffic fatalities for the first quarter of 2012.  Data shows that an estimated 7,630 people died in motor vehicle traffic crashes during the first quarter of 2012.  This represents a significant increase of about 13.5 percent as compared to the 6,720 fatalities that were projected to have occurred in the first quarter of 2011.


“MMUCC Guideline Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria Fourth Edition” (DOT-HS -811-631):   Statewide motor vehicle traffic crash data systems provide the basic information necessary for effective highway and traffic safety efforts at any level of government – local, State, or Federal. State crash data are used to perform problem identification, establish goals and performance measures, allocate resources, determine the progress of specific programs, and support the development and evaluation of highway and vehicle safety countermeasures. The purpose of the Model Minimum Uniform Crash Criteria (MMUCC) is to provide a dataset for describing crashes of motor vehicles in transport that will generate the information necessary to improve highway safety within each State and nationally.


NCSA Traffic Safety Fact Sheet "2010 Overview”  (DOT-HS-811-630), The 2010 Overview Traffic Safety Fact Sheet provides an “overview” of many of NCSA’s current Traffic Safety Fact Sheets produced such as, alcohol-impaired driving, speeding, pedestrian, pedalcyclists, motorcyclists, large trucks, children and other fatality data.

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