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Free e-book: Electronic Crime Scene Investigation: An on-the-scene Reference for First Responders

Friday, August 10, 2012 8:29 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Electronic Crime Scene Investigation: An On-the-Scene Reference for First Responders

by National Institute of Justice December 2009
Electronic Crime Scene Investigation: An On-the-Scene Reference for First Responders is a quick reference for first responders who may be responsible for identifying, preserving, collecting and securing evidence at an electronic crime scene. It describes different types of electronic devices and the potential evidence they may hold, and provides an overview of how to secure, evaluate and document the scene. It describes how to collect, package and transport digital evidence and lists of potential sources of digital evidence for 14 crime categories.

To get this On-the-Scene Reference, you can:

  1. Order bound and laminated copies from NCJRS.
  2. Download and print (pdf, 50 pages)
  3. Download an e-Reader version:
  4. Download and print the 'booklet' version (pdf, 26 pages) undefined this version has been formatted so you can print, fold and bind the pages to create an on-demand version similar to the printed version. When printing:
    • Select "2-sided" or "duplex" printing.
    • Select "binding on short side."
    Note: For an accessible version, please select option 2 above.

The flipbook is a companion piece to Electronic Crime Scene Investigation: A Guide for First Responders, Second Edition.

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