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DRE Webinar Jan 4 at 10a PST

Tuesday, January 03, 2023 3:44 PM | Anonymous member

Free CLE!

Title: DRE Basics – How a DRE Becomes a DRE & Introduction to the Matrix (Florida Bar Approval for 1.0-hr CLE SUBSTANCE ABUSE Credit)

You may apply to the WSBA for credit after the seminar.  

Date: Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Time: 1p-2p Eastern

Presenter: Tim Cornelius, Florida State DRE Coordinator

Registration Link:  This can be found under the Impaired Driving resources Tab and then under the Regional resources.  You can also email me directly for the link.  You must register to attend.  

Description: This session will provide a general overview of the DRE Program and how that program came to be.  It will briefly discuss the program background, and will then discuss the specific process as to how an individual becomes a DRE.  The session will discuss the criteria to apply to become a DRE as well as the application and selection process.  It will then discuss the basic agenda and scheduling of DRE Training, to include a discussion of the many difficult roadblocks that applicants must overcome to successfully complete that Training and finally earn the exclusive title of Drug Recognition Expert.  Finally, it will provide a basic overview of the DRE Matrix, which will serve as a guide for all upcoming category-specific sessions, and provide both prosecutors and law enforcement with a general background of the Matrix and DRE Categories.

**This session is part of a multi-session and multi-disciplinary series that will provide prosecutors, law enforcement officers and toxicologists a background to Drug DUI Cases.  This series is presented as a collaboration between the Florida TSRP Program and the Society of Forensic Toxicologists (SOFT) / American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS) Drugs & Driving Committee and it is intended to assist prosecutors, law enforcement officers and toxicologists to better handle the many difficult aspects of Drug DUI cases and to understand the complimentary roles of DREs and Toxicologists.**



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