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Proposed Indigent Counsel Standards

Thursday, October 20, 2011 1:54 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

As I am sure you are aware, the Supreme Court is currently accepting comments regarding proposed Standards for Indigent Defense Services which the Court intends to incorporate into CrRLJ 3.1(4).  The Standards being considered by the Court were proposed by the Washington State Bar Association.  The comment period of the Standards closes on October 31.  These Standards do not include misdemeanor caseload limits.  A recommendation regarding misdemeanor caseload limits was recently delivered by the WSBA to the Supreme Court, and we are awaiting the opening of the comment period on those limits. 

Last week, WSAMA, jointly with the Association of Washington Cities, delivered the attached letter to the Supreme Court as a comment to the Standards for Indigent Defense Services currently under consideration by the Court.  LetterToSupremeCourt October13 2011 FinalVersion _4_.pdf  The letter is quite lengthy, and provides an alternative Standard as well as a technical critique of each section of the Standards.   Some cities have shown interest in providing individual comments as well.  In addition, a coalition of cities is working towards hiring a constitutional expert to provide a constitutionally based rebuttal to the Standards (please contact Ramsey Ramerman at Everett by the close of businesses Thursday for information on this issue).   

If you have any question regarding this issue, please do not hesitate to contact me at (253) 856-5781.  Thanks – Pat Fitzpatrick.
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