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Washington State Supreme Court Finds Turn Signal Laws require...turn signals--reversing Court of Appeals

Thursday, January 02, 2020 11:39 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

In a unanimous opinion, the State Supreme Court examined the language in RCW 46.61.305 to decide whether the phrase "when required" compels drivers to use their turn signal every time they turn or change lanes on a roadway.  They held it does.  The plain language of the statute requires drivers to ensure turns and lane changes are done safely and with an appropriate turn signal.  

The opinion reversed the lower court decision in State v. Brown where the Court of Appeals Div. II concluded a driver in a left-turn lane was not required to signal the turn.  Brown was stopped for the failure to signal and arrested for DUI after the stop.   

See the full case here: State v Brown 2019.pdf

The decision reversed State v. Brown, 7 Wn. App. 121, 432 P.3d 1241 (2019 Div. II)

Congratulations to DPA Andrew Clark and the Benton County Prosecutor's Office!

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