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  • Thursday, April 12, 2012 7:42 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    A Word from MADD's National President

    This April 16th marks a significant anniversary for me and my family. It seems like it was only yesterday when my daughter, Alisa, was enjoying her spring vacation by spending the night at her best friend’s home. They were only 15 years old, with their futures shining brightly before them. But because a 17-year-old decided to drive after drinking, Alisa was killed that evening. That was 20 years ago next week, and my heart is still longing to kiss her one last time.

    April begins prom and graduation season. That is why April 21st is our national PowerTalk21 day. Now is a critical time for parents to begin conversations about the dangers of drinking before age 21, and it is important to continue those conversations frequently. Research shows that three out of four teens say that their parents are the number one influence on their decisions about drinking. Parents, I urge you to have those conversations and keep them going. Also, remind your kids to never ride in the car with someone who has been drinking. Our Power of Parents handbook can help you with suggestions on how to have those discussions.

      Not sure how to do it?  Get a copy of the MADD handbook here. 

  • Friday, March 23, 2012 10:25 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    The latest copy of the Drug Enforcement Agency's Newsletter, the Microgram, is available here. 
  • Thursday, March 22, 2012 11:15 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This issue includes legal analysis on the recent Kentucky vs. King decision.  The opinion is important not just because it decides another exigent circumstance case, but because it includes valuble insight into the leanings of our current Supreme Court Justices on 4th Amendment search and seizure cases.  The article and the full FBI bulletin is here.

  • Thursday, March 22, 2012 10:57 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    NHTSA updated their prior report and graphics on 2010 data regarding crash statistics.  This is the latest data available from NHTSA and a great tool for understanding where we are and how we are doing on vehicular crashes.    The report is here. 
  • Wednesday, March 14, 2012 10:35 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Washington Traffic Safety Commission is serious about helping judges in DUI cases.  In 2012 they committed $50,000 to begin a comprehensive summary of DUI law for judges in the form of a Benchbook.   The WTSC has now released a Request For Proposal (RFP) to find a coordinator to head up that effort.   A copy of the RFP is attached here.   Proposals are due April 30 to WTSC. 


  • Friday, March 09, 2012 7:47 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This bill covers a lot of DUI terrritory:  from Superior Court jurisdiction in DUI cases (now 5 years) to expanding DUI courts (now allowed in Municipal Courts) to expanded Ignition Interlock coverage and users fees, to revising the definition of "drug" to include inhalants and new novel chemicals of abuse.  The bill was a high priority for the Impaired driving section---but credit for its passage goes to a great group of committed folks.  Many thanks to everyone for their dedication and heroic efforts to keep this bill from dying when it really looked dark!!


    The full text of the bill is here.


    Below is the message from the prime Sponsor, Rep. Roger Goodman:


    Great news!  This evening, with fewer than six hours remaining in the 2012 session, the State Senate finally took up our DUI bill and approved it by a vote of 49-0; and a few moments ago we just voted 98-0 here in the House to approve the final bill and send it to the Governor!  Below you will find a staff summary of the Senate amendments to the bill.

    Thanks VERY much to each of you, from the Washington State Patrol to MADD to our colleagues in the justice system, for your strong advocacy that helped loosen up the bill in the last minute to get it passed before we adjourn.  Thanks also for your substantive input that helped us fashion such a strong piece of legislation.  Once enacted into law, HB 2443 will further save lives and reduce injuries on our roadways.  We should feel very gratified with our success.

    Once again, thank you all!


    Roger Goodman

    State Representative, 45th District

    Washington State Legislature

    office:  360-786-7878


  • Monday, March 05, 2012 8:53 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    In HB 2216, the legislature unanimously increased penalties for felony DUI defendants who kill.  The bill now goes to the governor for signature.  The bill increases penalties from the prior standard range of 31-41 months for a Level 9, to that equivalent to the Level 11 Manslaughter range, 78-101 months.   This means a minimum jail sentence of 6.5 years for DUI defendants who kill. 

    Special thanks to Amy Freedheim, King County Prosecutor's Office, for her support and advocacy!   A shout out also to MADD and the many victims of DUI who provided countless hours in support of this important law.  

    The bill, as passed, is here.

  • Monday, February 27, 2012 2:33 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Drug Enforcement Agency's "Microgram" regarding unusual drug evidence and cases is attached here. 

  • Friday, February 24, 2012 8:06 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Effective March 1, 2012, the Canadian Border Service permits border agents the discretion to admit Americans with only 1 DUI and less than six months jail ordered, into Canada. 

    The new "Tourism Facilitation Action Plan" does not change Canadian law, only how border agents are expected to enforce it.  The new policy applies to all limited criminal background (not just DUI), requires some additional paperwork processing for U.S. citizens, but will not require a fee.  Canadian tourism and businesses in general cheer the more liberal interpretation--having been hit hard by the strict post-9/11 laws.      To see Operational Bulletin 389, go here.  To see an article on the new policy go here. 

  • Tuesday, February 21, 2012 10:24 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    One chapter of the new text "Forensic Medicine" is on Cannabinoids.  The chapter is a very comprehensive review of current literature on marijuana and other cannabinoids.  The book is open source, so the chapter is here.  The entire book may be viewed and downloaded here.


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